For years now, Malton has endured a leadership vacuum. Survivors have banded together to battle the zombie hordes with limited success. Larger groups and alliances have increased the results of the efforts, but enough about the recent history of our city.
Yet another election has come and gone. The incumbent Murbulskond has been defeated and replaced by Revenant or Ablesentinel (depending which wiki page you believe) So we've gone from a do-nothing zombie mayor to either a madman or a rotting feline, who each offer even less to the citizens of Malton than Murbulskond (I didn't think it was possible!)
To make matters worse, all records of public critique of the Mayor's office by yours truly have been erased. I smell a rat. Why the cover-up??
When I ran for mayor almost a decade ago, my desire was to serve my community. Now I have declared myself Mayor and formed to a volunteer militia to rescue Malton from the Undead plague & restore order to our streets.
Enough with the phoney elections!
Enough with the fake mayors!
Enough with the zombies and PK'ers!
It's time to take the streets of Malton back for the PEOPLE of Malton.
Join us in our mission.
Volunteer for active duty here or become an ally by joining our forum and pledging to assist the MUM.
PLEASE: Use this blogsite to post community concerns
and we will do out best to hold the fort until City Hall is once again occupied by a responsible elected representative of our community.
Until then, the Malton Urban Militia will be there.
MUM's the word...